In the seminar, which Halil BİLGİÇ from Beyazay Association attended as a speaker within the framework of the event organized by the Coordinator of the Unimpeded Education Unit of our school, information was given about the difficulties of disabled people and the responsibilities of the institutions.
Under the coordination of DPÜ Kütahya Social Sciences Vocational School of Accounting Faculty Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şerife ÖNDER, Dr. Lecturer Metin ÇALIK and Lecturer Tuba BOZOKLUOĞLU, a seminar titled “The Past of the Profession of Accountancy and Financial Advisory” was organized for the students of the accounting department of our vocational school. The seminar was held with the participation of Halil HAMZAOĞLU, Chairman of Kütahya Chamber of Certified Public Accountants, Tuğba Sarıtaş Aydın, Financial Advisor Mehmet Latif Karataş and Financial Advisor Mehmet Mahir Kulalı, Friday, 1 March 2019 At 15.00, the lecture hall was held at 2. In the seminar, Halil HAMZAOĞLU, Chairman of the Kütahya Chamber of Independent Accountants and Financial Advisors, Financial Advisor Tuğba Sarıtaş Aydın, Financial Advisor Mehmet Latif Karataş and Financial Advisor Mehmet Mahir Kulalı, gave our students the profession of financial advisor, sworn financial advisor and independent auditor. They conveyed their up-to-date information and experiences. At the end of the program, the Head of Department Assoc. Dr. A plaque was presented by Şerife Önder.
The Certificate Education Seminar organized by Kütahya Dumlupınar University Continuing Education and Research Center was given to our KSBMYO students. In the seminar, about DPÜSEM, Center Director Inst. Grv. Bülent GÜL and DPÜSEM experts provided detailed information about the contents of the training programs (SAP, Advanced Excel Training, Quality Training and DGS Training), which were organized and organized with a focus on increasing the knowledge and skills of our students.
STUDENTS OF OUR VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL MEET WITH THE SECTOR UNDER THE COORDINATORSHIP OF DR. In the E-TRADE AREA OF TURKEY WITH ONE OF IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN COOPERATION WITH THE FIRM İDEASOF 21 MART 2019 13 00 HOURS THURSDAY at AMP 3 CERTIFIED E-COMMERCE training it was organized. EDUCATIONAL CONTENT: * Turkey with numbers and E-commerce in the world (How to succeed in e-commerce?) * Technical Requirements in e-commerce (What should be in the software, the use of e-commerce panel, e-commerce payment systems) * Design in E-commerce (What should be considered in the design of e-commerce sites, which details should be used for which areas) * E-export and logistics systems * Digital Marketing and Internet Advertising (Information about digital processes that should be in e-commerce will be provided with Google partners.)
It was talked about how young people can use their free time positively within the framework of Social, Cultural, Art and Sports activities. In addition, the conversation, which emphasized the importance of young people's participation in society as active citizens and avoiding harmful habits, ended with questions and answers in the atmosphere of conversation.
The sixth of the series workshops, the first of which was held on 9-10 September 2017, hosted by Dumlupınar University in Kütahya; LODER Chairman and Logistics Education Standards (LES) Committee Chairman Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tanyaş, LES Committee members Piri Reis University DMYO lecturer Barbaros Büyüksağnak and KeyLine General Manager Dr. Kayıhan Ö. Turan, Gaziantep University Oğuzeli Vocational School Director Dr. Lecturer Our school's Logistics program Dr. Lecturer Nearly 60 faculty members / lecturers, sector representative and UNİ-LODER member students, including Ali Çağrı Buran.
Our Vocational School Tourist Guiding Program students visited our graphic exhibition at our school, which depicts the world's leading tourism destinations. Director of Fine Arts Vocational School Assoc. Dr. Eda Taşçı and Fine Arts Vocational School Graphic-Design Department Lect. Grv. Thank you to Mülkiye Kerkük.
On Friday, 08.03.2019, our Vocational School Logistics Program students took part in a technical trip covering İzmir Aliağa TCEGE and NEMPORT ports and 09.03.2019 İzmir Kemalpaşa Irmak Warehouses. Program officer Dr. Lecturer. Students had the opportunity to see the applications of the theoretical trainings they took during the trip, which will be held under the responsibility of its member Ali Çağrı BURAN. 1 March Accountants' Day Celebrated Our School's Accounting Department Students with Kütahya Chamber of Independent Accountants and Financial Advisor Halil Hamzaoğlu.
Within the framework of 15-22 April Tourism Week activities, the panel titled “The Future of Tourism in Kütahya” organized by Kütahya Governorate Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate on Tuesday, April 19, 2019 at the Vahidpaşa Manuscript Library Hall, Dr. Faculty Member Ömer Zafer Güven Prof. Dr. MEMBER Elif Tuba TAMER, Dr. MEMBER Uğur Ceylan and ÖğrGrv.Necip Özdemir attended as speakers.
Zafer BİNTEPE, the Head of Unit Quality Advisory Board of our School, KUGİAD and President of the Managers Association, visited our school and exchanged views on the possibilities of cooperation with our Principal Assoc.
All our academic and administrative staff were trained by the Quality Coordinator at 9:30 am on February 21, 2019, on the preparation of Quality Assurance System studies and preparation of unit internal evaluation reports.
BRİSA Academy and Kütahya Social Sciences M.Y.O. Tire training seminar was given to the students of the Department of Transportation Program by the Directorate. Education seminar; The department started with the opening speech of Prof. Dr. Hakan KARA and continued with the presentation of Mr. Turhan ACAR, education expert of Brisa Academy. The scope of the seminar, which was watched with interest by the students of the captain's department; The students were informed in detail on the importance, functions, use and maintenance of the vehicle tires.
Despite our "sausage bread in the snow" event organized by the administrative and academic staff of our school for the end of term solidarity and socialization, our School Principal Assoc. Dr. Our Rector, who came to the invitation of Hakan KARA with kindness, Prof.Dr. Kazım UYSAL and our Secretary General Prof.Dr. With the participation of Atilla BATUR, he was in the mood of chat.
Kütahya Dpu In the Kros automotive trip organized by the Career and Alumni Center; Kep project was introduced by Kros automotive authorities, our school students were informed about internship and employment opportunities
On behalf of our school, on the occasion of the Labor Law Seminar held in Cyprus on 08/12/2019, Lect. Asst. Murat KURT participated as a speaker. Cyprus Turkish Civil Servants Trade Union seminar organized in the context of Turkey's labor law gave information about their relationship with the TRNC. After the Seminar Asst. Murat KURT was thanked by state officials and a gift was presented by academia officials.
Not Intermediate; We continue to train the wanted staff ...
Thanks to our Rector Prof. Dr. Remzi GÖREN and our School Principal Assoc. Prof. Hakan KARA for their meeting and organizational support to the Kütahya Referee and Observers Branch through the University of Kütahya Social Sciences Vocational School. Opinions were exchanged on continuing cooperation.
Turkey's largest student portal You can search about our graduate students who are members of the Dumlupınar family. All students who study or graduate at DPUPortal at our university can register. If you are registered to the system, you can log in from the Login link, if you are going to register, you can register by filling out the form from the Register link. With DPUPortal, you can make your university-student connection permanent, subscribe to monthly newsletters and take advantage of career opportunities. You can reach the Alumni Portal by clicking the "Alumni Portal" Logo at the bottom of our KSBMYO Page, or click the logo below ...
Our School Principal, Assoc. Dr. With the contribution of our teacher, Hakan Kara, we have established a mini library inside our reading room that serves our students. Our students will be able to benefit from this mini library.
Kütahya Social Sciences Vocational School Pictures From Living Areas
Our Managers Working in Our School
It is planned to be realized every year; Human Resources Professionals, Human Resources Companies Officials and İŞKUR Job and Vocational Counselors were brought together with our students to organize “effective cv preparation, interview process, internship, job applications and job interviews, business life in general”. A seminar was organized in Amphitheater No. 2. The seminar was held in collaboration with DPÜKAMER Director Öğr.Grv.H.Feyyaz EBEOĞLUGİL, Business and Vocational Consultant Neşe AYĞAHOĞLU, and also with the participation of our students in collaboration with Kütahya Social Sciences Vocational School and Kütahya Fine Arts.
On Thursday, 14/02/2019, between the hours of 19:00 - 21:00, "Investigation of Cooperation Opportunities" between the Kütahya Provincial Board of Epak Education and Kütahya Social Sciences Vocational School.
- Kevser ÇOBAN, one of our Bureau Management Students, introduced his book "PAPATYAN PRENSES", which he wrote with an exemplary behavior to all our students, with his signature day. On behalf of our School Administration, who did not withhold their support, our Principal Assoc. ---------- Extract from PAPATYA PRENSES; At the age of 8, Eylul is a child loved by everyone around her school, with her sincere and loving attitude, since she was very young, she embraced daisies with special emotions and really loved them. ---------- The life of September changes in an unpredictable way. At a very young age, he learns that he has Cancer and walks with daisies on which he lives with only his hopes. So will he be able to defeat cancer ....?
25-27 / 01/2019 date in Aksaray in Turkey Physically Disabled Sports Federation Swimming Championships, organized by our students in the S7 category 2. There has been Feyzin ÖNCÜ Turkey. Our student was honored by our School Principal Assoc.Prof.Hakan KARA and our School Barrier-Free Education Unit Coordinator Lecturer Mehmet GÖL. We wish our student Feyza ÖNCÜ continued their success. Dear Rector. Dr. Remzi Gören, Our School Principal Assoc. Dr. He Visited Tülomsaş To See The Human Resources
- Mr. Rector. Dr. Remzi GÖREN, Our School Principal Assoc. Conducted by the Human Resource Competency Analysis Hakan land over to see their work in Turkey Locomotive and Engine Industry Inc. Turkey Locomotive and Engine Industry A.Ş. (The contractor) has visited. -------- Within the scope of the visit hosted by TÜLOMSAŞ General Manager Mr. Hayri AVCI, views were exchanged on the research and development of the cooperation opportunities between the two institutions. -------- Prof. Dr. Remzi GÖREN and General Manager Hayri AVCI expressed their satisfaction regarding the negotiations and the collaborations to be made.
Free cinema screening will be held every Wednesday at 14:00 in Kütahya Vocational School of Social Sciences, Amphitheater 3. All our students are invited.
On 29/11/2019 at 09:00 in the morning, our Rector Prof. Dr. Kâzım Uysal honored us by not showing our kindness to us. We tried to participate with our entire staff with our School Principal Hakan Kara, Deputy Principals, Academic, Administrative and Support staff at our Breakfast in the Meeting Air. Breakfast Assoc. Dr. Şerife Önder continued with the presentation of our teacher explaining the goals of our school. Our program Dear Rector Prof. Dr. To Kâzım Uysal, our School Principal Assoc. Dr. Ended with Hakan Kara's Plaque Presentation.
No current announcements.
07 March 2025, Friday - read by 28 persons.
The exhibition specially organised for International Women’s Day at DPU Faculty of Fine Arts Zafer Exhibition Hall was opened with the participation of our Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak.
04 March 2025, Tuesday - read by 23 persons.
Within the scope of the University of Life project of Kütahya Dumlupınar University, the Science Communication Office, which will host events where scientific, cultural, artistic and sports activities at our university will be shared with the public, was opened by our Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak.
24 February 2025, Monday - read by 28 persons.
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak took part as a speaker in the programme titled Khojaly Genocide, the Atrocity of the 20th Century, hosted by Kütahya Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism with the participation of the provincial protocol and Azerbaijan Istanbul Consul Zaur Allahverdi-Zada.
20 February 2025, Thursday - read by 25 persons.
The First Encyclopedia of Sciences in Anatolia Symposium, in which the President of the Council of Higher Education Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar will participate as a speaker, will be held at Kütahya Dumlupınar University on 11 April.
13 February 2025, Thursday - read by 27 persons.
Our student, who is a member of the Turkish National Athletics Team, won a bronze medal for our country at the Under-20 Balkan Athletics Indoor Championships.
22 January 2025, Wednesday - read by 111 persons.
The opening meeting of the project, supported by the NATO-SPS program and focusing on the use of boron in advanced technology products, was held with the participation of the Rector of Kütahya Dumlupınar University, Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak.