Consultant and Approval Procedures
Attention: The information here has been prepared as of 25.04.2017 in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations. It is the students' responsibility to follow the changes that occur after this date and to comply with the regulations. For additional problems and questions, please contact your department heads and consultants.
Can the student change the elective course he / she has taken and failed before?
Yes, it can. However, if the course does not specify the course that it wants to take in place of the course that it has failed in the course selection phase, problems may occur in the following terms.
Can I require the student to come in person to give advisor approval?
Student Information System The student who registers the course on the internet via can send it to the advisor's approval via the system. For the approval of the advisor, the student is required to come personally or to provide attorney, to complete the course and sign it. The advisor can use the right to approve the course registration or return it to the system via the system.
If the advisor does not approve and he / she does not complete the course registration I have returned through the system, who will be responsible for the responsibility?
Each student is obliged to make the course registration, send the registration to the advisor's approval and follow the transformation of the registration sent to the final registration by the advisor. It is obliged to rearrange the courses determined by the Consultant between Add / Delete dates and get them approved by the Consultant.
Consultant should pay attention to the course registration confirmation phase.
In order for the student to have the right to graduate, he / she has to take and succeed in all the courses in the curriculum. For this reason, it is important to have a curriculum transcript check during each registration period. In addition, they have to take the first semester courses that they have failed or have never taken.
Does the counselor have to give information to the student when he / she makes changes in the course he / she wants to register?
Yes. The student may not see the lessons one by one by seeing that the lesson record turns into a definite one. In this case, as a result of not noticing the course that was changed by you, there are negative situations such as attending the course that they did not choose. Therefore, it is important to share information with the student about the course change.
When should the advisor check with the student whether the course registration sent by the student for approval and the approval of the advisor is correct?
You can check the add-delete week defined in the academic calendar, and if there are errors, you can go to the correction path.